Advanced Software Development Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy page explains how and what purposes for your personal data are being collected and processed within our resource. The right to change the content of the Privacy Policy is acquired by The aim of updating the Privacy Policy can be either connected with the law changes or security standards of third-party services we use. We will inform you about the adjustments by publishing the update on our website.

Who collects the data?

The users’ data is collected and processed by Advanced Software Development and is not shared and used by anyone mentioned in this description.

Types and ways of collecting the data

  1. When contacting Advanced Software Development

  2. Make sure the candidate is informed about the recommendation you make and he is interested in cooperation with the ASD team.

  3. When subscribing to our updates

  4. We collect the email addresses after the user subscribes to our news updates on the Blog or Portfolio page to provide users with the relevant subscription preferences.

  5. When applying for a job or internship

  6. We collect the full name, email address, the additional information the user provides in his/her CV or discloses us orally or in writing.

  7. When the users visit our website

  8. We use third-parties services to collect and store information sent by the browser that can disclose the history of the views on, users' behavior patterns, and standard Internet log information. Herewith, the data can be stored in the CRM, mail automatization system, and other marketing-oriented systems. This allows us to increase the Website's overall performance and enhance the quality of our resource.

The usage of personal data

  1. When contacting users

  2. We use the email, phone number, or other information users provide us orally or by written means to contact users and present the information on the initial request.

  3. When establishing business relationships

  4. If the user is an existing customer of us or we intelligently consider that user might want to become our client or partner, we use the email address, phone number, and other information provided in written form or orally to establish business relationships and deliver the information that may be relevant to the user’s professional interests.

  5. When providing the updates

  6. If the user has subscribed to our company’s updates, we will use the email address to provide the information about our latest updates, case studies, and researches.

  7. When allowing automated processing

  8. The third-party services we use to collect the data about the users' behavior automatically process the data and help us better understand the preference and improve the experience users get on our website.

The rights as for a data subject

  1. The right to access the data that is being collected, stored, and processed.

  2. The right to fix the inaccurate data by providing a reasonable statement.

  3. The right to ask for the data deletion when it is no longer necessary.

The data storage period

The data we collect is stored until the user withdraws his/her consent for collecting, processing, and using the data.

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