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Software solution trends in the Travel industry 2024

Software Engineering

5 minutes read

Modern travelling is hard to imagine without technology. Maybe you have never noticed that, but searching for flight tickets or hotels and booking is dependent on technology. 

To show an example of why the travel industry and technology are inseparable, we want to provide some statistics:

  • According to StratoJets, 70% use mobile devices to search for a vacation. Therefore, they didn’t go to the office. Instead, they just use their mobile phone.
  • 45% of travellers prefer booking a vacation on a single site. It means that people want to have opportunities to book flights, hotels, transportation, and other services in a single place.
  • Online sales consist of 66% of revenue in the global tourism and travel market.

Do you have a travel tech product and want to implement trend solutions to improve it? You need to consider all the software solutions trends in the Travel industry in 2024. 

Why do you need to improve your travel tech product?

The modern travel industry is inseparable from technology. Nowadays, reserving a hotel, transportation, car rental, or any activity requires you to open an application on your smartphone.

With developing technologies, being outdated means losing to your competitors. To keep yourself compatible, improve your travel tech product regularly, following the trends and demands of the modern target audience.

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Solutions trends for the Travel industry

Our world is developing, and technologies are going forward. More and more services use technologies to simplify and improve clients’ experience. In this race, if you don’t follow the software solutions trends, you just let your clients go to the competitors. 

To successfully compete with competitors, consider the following software solutions trends and how they can apply to your tech product:

  • Сontacless payment

The time of physical cash is passing away. Now people are actively using contactless payment. It became popular in 2020 when the Covid-19 pandemic started. As it turned out, it is not only safe to use it for preventive measures against spreading the virus but comfortable as well.

Contactless payment has a lot of benefits. First of all, it is secure. Filters and other settings save you from unauthorized spending and fraud. Secondly, it is a fast way to pay and get online receipts and payment history. Nowadays, you can effortlessly book and pay for your vacation in a few clicks! Isn’t that great?

  • AI chatbot

Customers may have questions about interaction with your product. The fastest and best way to clarify details is by writing an online support chat. Online support chat always must have a specialist who can answer the question and help find a solution to the problem. 

The problem is there are not a few customers. There can be dozens of people who demand help. AI chatbot is the best solution as it:

  1. available 24\7 to fastly answer person’s questions and provide help;
  2. engage with all the customers simultaneously, which significantly reduces the time of response;
  3. can gather data about the customers.

Of course, more specific problems and issues require a human being specialist. AI chatbot helps to deal with easy issues so specialists can spend time on more complicated problems.

  • Big Data

Big Data technology in the travel industry is a must. This technology has big datasets to analyze. Such analyses reveal patterns and trends. Big Data also has the following advantages:

  1. increased efficiency thanks to fast and accurate analyzing process;
  2. reduced costs as the technology reduce costs of storing, processing, and analyzing a vast amount of data;
  3. increased sales.
  • Online booking

Online booking is not just a trend. It is a modern necessity in the travel industry, and such popularity has a reason. Online booking engine allows your clients to book anything they want anytime and anywhere. A human doesn’t need to accept bookings manually. It significantly reduces the workload on specialists. Another advantage is that automated online booking reduces the possibility of human error.

  • Cybersecurity

Nowadays, cybersecurity is the same necessity in digital as police in the real world. Cyber crimes are not a myth or rarity nowadays, so it is vital to make your business safe. Cybersecurity is especially crucial for the travel business and its software. As a rule, such software stores vulnerable personal data. When customers share their data, they want to be sure it is safe. That’s why cybersecurity is one of the most important software solution trends in the travel industry.

  • Dynamic scheduling system

The travel industry has dynamic aspects, so it is necessary to have a system to help cope with it. For example, searching for the most profitable flight tickets at the moment. Prices often change, so the search process is better to be automated for better productivity. Implementing a dynamic scheduling system can lead to a positive effect in increasing revenue. In that case, the revenue increases from 1 to 3 percent. 

The dynamic scheduling system has the following:

  • scheduling optimization system, which identifies the set of possible routing and changes of schedule to sort it by its profitability;
  • access to reliable market data;
  • awareness about possible operational restrictions or issues.

Solutions trends for the Travel industry

How ASD team can help you implement solutions

ASD team is a software development company that has worked in the Hospitality, Travel, Transportation, and related spheres for over 15 years.

Our company provides the following software solutions development services:

  • hospitality management;
  • third integrations integrations
  • CRM for a travel software
  • booking and reservation
  • restaurant management software
  • online travel agencies software

To learn more about our software development outsourcing services and what software solutions we can help to develop, visit our webpage.

We see how strongly the travel industry is tied to technology nowadays. That’s why software solutions trends in the travel industry are not only necessary. They are a must.

Increasing efficiency and revenue of the business depends on the quality of software solutions modernity. To satisfy your customers’ needs, conducting regular research on their needs and what up-to-date software solutions exist for them is necessary. The more comfortable and practical software solutions you have, the more customers will choose you amongst the competitors.


  • stratosjets.com
  • travelport.com
  • statista.com


What are the solution trends in the travel industry?

Solution trends for the travel industry:

  • Сontacless payment
  • AI chatbot
  • Big Data
  • Online booking
  • Cybersecurity
  • Dynamic scheduling system
What’s hot in the travel tech industry for 2024?

2024 is all about AI-driven travel assistants, personalized trip planning, and seamless booking experiences. Think about how to make your application smarter for users who remember their preferences and make travel hassle-free.

How is AI changing the travel industry?

AI is making travel super smooth! From chatbots answering your queries 24/7 to apps suggesting personalized itineraries, AI is making sure your travel plans are as easy and enjoyable as possible.

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