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What Are The Best Travel Management Softwares And How To Develop Them?

Business and Management

5 minutes read

Despite all the crises that occur worldwide, people still like traveling, and they search for any option to travel somewhere. For example, according to Statista, in January 2022, about 386 million potential tourists visited the booking.com website. This fact explains why the travel business is so popular nowadays and attracts more and more startups year by year. 

Travel Management Software

What should travel business owners do?

On the early start of a travel business, every owner sooner or later begins to consider developing some kind of travel management system. But after some time of researching information about travel management system software, it becomes clear that there are many types of them. To make the task much easier and more understandable, we will divide all types with descriptions to each one.  

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Travel management system software in a nutshell

Travel management software is a solution for travel businesses that contains all the necessary features to satisfy clients’ needs: searching, analyzing, and booking everything needed for traveling. Thanks to a fully digitized process like online payment in any available way, choosing dates, or hotels, booking your travel becomes a matter of a few minutes.  

Mobile app or web app?

We are so used to mobile applications that sometimes we can completely forget about web applications. Of course, mobile applications have pros like working offline, better performance, more availability of functions. But on the other hand, we have the following cons: 

  • expensive app development and maintenance
  • possible problems with approving the app in the Apple store or Google Play Market
  • unavoidable developing two different apps for each iOS and Android due to the different architecture of the platforms

When we are talking about web apps, there are more pros than cons. To the list of the advantages, we are adding the next ones: 

  • ability to work without downloading any files
  • easy and cheap developing and maintaining in the future 
  • no need for marketplace approval 

And minor cons like clients will not be able to use it without an internet connection and a little bit slower performance. 

But still, it’s up to you what to choose.

Main types of travel agency management software

Hotel Booking

The first and basic type of travel management software as any travel begins from the question of where to live after arrival. This type has vital functionality that includes such filters:

  • room star rate
  • price
  • any extra needs
  • date of arrival and departure

Flight Booking

Pretty much the same story as the previous one, but here you have all the necessary information about your flight or the flight you want to book. Here we can also list some functions as:

  • price and availability displaying that allows to compare them with other offers
  • clients’ full control your booked flight (canceling, changing, or editing to add extra luggage or other necessary things)
  • notifications, which are important for flight booking as it helps clients not to forget about important dates or actions before the flight


Booking hotels and flights are not the only things you have to care about, do not forget that you still need to get from the airport to the booked hotel. This type has features like:

  • specifying the time of arrival
  • setting destination from the airport
  • adding extra information such as the luggage weight or any other info.

Do it all before you arrive in another country or city to achieve your destination hotel or accommodation as fast as possible.

Activities planning

Hey, you do not come here to stay in your hotel room? If you do not, use special software to plan your activities. Such an application allows clients to have information about available activities in a particular region, date, or type in one place. Each page can contain photos and videos to show the potential clients what they can expect, information, contacts, and other things.

Сorporate travel booking management software and why do we need it?

Travel booking software that every company needs to control business trip expenses, manage all the trip’s data and provide the worker with online support. Traveler tracking system ensures additional security for employees. Management can track employees, and if something goes wrong, support can help the employee avoid dangerous situations.

How to start?

Our pure piece of advice on how to choose the best way to test your application is developing MVP. It is a great opportunity for the company to take the main features from the software concept to develop and deploy them. In that way, you’ll receive valuable data such as user feedback and statistics to analyze. From the results, you can make conclusions about the effectiveness of certain features, their pros, and cons, and the possible ways to improve them so they can meet all the clients’ needs.

Reasons to choose ASD for travel management system development

Advanced Software Development team has more than 15 years of experience in developing software for travel, hospitality, and related niches.

As an experienced company, we provide our clients with a unified team to work on your project to cover all the needs. In our team, there are Project Managers, Business Analysts, Developers, and Quality Assurance specialists, who know their job perfectly. The team will take responsibility for the whole travel management system development process that consists of: 

  • analysis and planning
  • development and deployment
  • support and maintenance 


There are several different tools to build travel software that will have an overwhelming success if you combine them right. Come up with an idea, turn it into a concept, how do you see it, use suitable technologies to develop it, and don’t forget about a team of professionals. If you follow all these steps, you will get a perfect product. With one of the most comfortable web apps or mobile apps in the travel industry, customer flow is guaranteed for you.



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